Tuesday 7 December 2021

About Me

Hi,' Today In Whenua Miss Farr. Paired Us Up With Buddys! My Buddy Was Tane I Chose To Talk About Me Rather Than Who Founded New Zealand!


  1. Kia Ora


    My name is Quein and I am a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey.Pai mahi!! Thank you for sharing your work and your culture. It looks amazing.

    I am really looking forward to your next post

    Remember to have a Super Summer!!!

    Ngā mihi,


  2. Hey there Jaxon, your visual creation is a great way of sharing a snippet about your family. I'm wondering if anyone has a family tree that takes you further back? Keep digging, I know you love history.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.